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While the technology most likely will be available and tested in hospitals and medical offices first, researchers at University College London (UCL) are currently developing specialized tablets that look like they have the potential for not only great medical use, but commercial as well, offering users the ability to 3D print attractive shapes and flavors for kids.

“3D printing is so cheap that potentially you could put a 3D printer into a hospital pharmacy and the doctor could print just a week’s worth of tablets with the right dose for a particular patient,” said Dr. Simon Gaisford, head of pharmaceutics at UCL.

“Because a child is always growing, following transplantation the dose they need is constantly changing, literally week to week,” says Dr. Gaisford. “And that’s where the new technology’s ‘Mary Poppins’ factor could come into play.”

“Children don’t like taking medicine,” says Dr. Gaisford. ‘Now, in principle, we could ask a child, ‘What’s your favourite animal?’ And print the tablet in any shape and colour they like.”