drvarun sqMedical 3D Printing & Bioprinting

Dr Varun Tyagi is a medical doctor who practices in India and writes about remarkable and historical landmarks throughout the medical world.  Dr Varun believes that 3D printing can help democratize medical care, making medical devices affordable and available to everyone on the planet.

3d print spinal implant australia

Dr. Ralph Mobbs from Sydney Spine Clinic, New South Wales, recently performed a surgery that consisted of 3D Printed Titanium Custom Spinal Implant for a 33-year old patient named Evan Horvat from Wollongong. With the 3D Printing and Softwares- 3DMorphic and 3DMPlato, he was able to relieve the intense pain of nerve in his back and leg, due to a bulging disc and a major congenital defect that caused a joint in his lower spine to be abnormally shaped

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-02-22/tumour-patient-gets-worlds-first-3d-printed-vertebrae/7183132