• Croatian Cancer Patient gets 3D Printed Ear

     Croatian Cancer Patient gets 3D Printed Ear

    Faculty of Medicine at the University of Rijeka completed a complicated operation by attaching a 3D-printed ear to a patient who lost his ear due to skin cancer (Basal Cell Carcinoma). On February 20, Dr. Dubravko Manestar attached the ear which was made from biocompatible silicone.

  • First 3D Printed Shoulder Implant Surgery Successful in Croatia

     First 3D Printed Shoulder Implant Surgery Successful in Croatia

    A 60-year-old man in Croatia had been suffering from an infection in his shoulder, resulting in him losing bone mass and mobility of his shoulder joint. A team of surgeons led by Nikola Matejčić, MD at the Clinic for Orthopaedics in Lovran, implanted a 3D Printed Shoulder which was created using a technology of additive manufacturing, namely the Trabecular Titanium 3D printing technology.

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