Halifax resident Jacob Boudreau, who works for a logistics company, was inspired to open his own non-profit e-NABLE chapter, called Kindness3D. After legalization of marijuana in Canada, he stood for the waste management by recycling plastic waste from what he refers to as the “excessive cannabis packaging conundrum” of the NSLC (Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation), the province’s legal cannabis distributor. Using Kindness3D modified a paper shredder at Boudreau’s Dalhousie University Sexton Campus operation, recycled plastic was converted into 3D Printed Prosthetics for children. Additionally, he started a petition in hopes of convincing the NSLC to collect and donate all of its used cannabis packaging to Kindness3D.
Source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/cannabis-packaging-3d-printer-prosthetic-limbs-1.4878440