drvarun sqMedical 3D Printing & Bioprinting

Dr Varun Tyagi is a medical doctor who practices in India and writes about remarkable and historical landmarks throughout the medical world.  Dr Varun believes that 3D printing can help democratize medical care, making medical devices affordable and available to everyone on the planet.

3D Printing Help Indian Surgeons Create Custom Pelvic Implant For Bone Tumor

18-year-old Noor Fadil was diagnosed with Chondromyxoid fibroma, a rare, benign bone tumor that has grown in her pelvis, for which she reached out to Yellow Ribbon Team in Bangalore, India. The team of Doctors collaborated with Bangalore-based Osteo3D and implantcast GmbH in Germany. The surgeons removed the tumor and followed up for two years, and then team took CT and MRI scans to create a realistic digital model for planning purposes and to help design a biocompatible, patient-specific, 3D printed implant. The team designed and used 3D printed plastic guidance jigs and the First Ever Pelvic Implant of country helped her start a new life.

Source: https://www.theyellowribbon.in/single-post/2018/06/21/3D-Printing---First-Pelvic-tumour-implant