drvarun sqMedical 3D Printing & Bioprinting

Dr Varun Tyagi is a medical doctor who practices in India and writes about remarkable and historical landmarks throughout the medical world.  Dr Varun believes that 3D printing can help democratize medical care, making medical devices affordable and available to everyone on the planet.

 Custom Prosthetic Sockets Neya

Emelie Strömshed from School of Engineering at Lund University in Sweden, has developed a step-by-step process to combine prosthetic arm socket CAD data with 3D scan data of a patients residual limbs to create perfectly fitting 3D printed prosthetic arm sockets. This process is intended to guide prosthetist without requiring extensive experience in CAD and also allows socket to be adopted for passive and active myoelectric prostheses.

Source: http://www.product.lth.se/index.php?id=130291