drvarun sqMedical 3D Printing & Bioprinting

Dr Varun Tyagi is a medical doctor who practices in India and writes about remarkable and historical landmarks throughout the medical world.  Dr Varun believes that 3D printing can help democratize medical care, making medical devices affordable and available to everyone on the planet.

 3D Printed Biomaterial Sleeves that help fight off Infection Risk of Body Piercing

BioPierce Canada Ltd., a startup based in Canadian province Prince Edward Island (PEI) is developing a biodegradable sleeve using 3D Printing. The 3D printed medicated biomaterial sleeves are made out of poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid (or PLGA), which can be applied directly to piercing instruments and will remain in the tissue once it’s been pierced. The substance will degrade over time which will enhance healing, reduce pain and prevent chances of infection.


Source: https://www.itbusiness.ca/news/pei-startup-using-3d-printing-to-reduce-risks-of-body-piercing-pet-and-livestock-tagging/94742