drvarun sqMedical 3D Printing & Bioprinting

Dr Varun Tyagi is a medical doctor who practices in India and writes about remarkable and historical landmarks throughout the medical world.  Dr Varun believes that 3D printing can help democratize medical care, making medical devices affordable and available to everyone on the planet.

Countering Aggressive Bone Cancer With 3D Printed Prosthetics

Authors Linglong Deng, Xing Zhao, Chi Wei, Wengiang Qu, Li Yu, and Shaobo Zhu, wrote their research paper about using 3D Printing in Bone Cancer and its application to create Prosthetic fit for the patient. Chondrosarcoma is an Aggressive Bone Tumour that requires limb salvaging as the only option. The team used 3D Printing to create Prosthesis with Titanium and screwed into the scapula of the patient suffering from Chondrosarcoma. After four weeks, the patient was able to move his hand, elbow, and shoulder, and is still in good condition with no pain in the shoulder.

Read More: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0300060519875336